Ita Eng Deu

General Contract Terms


Purchases and more in general orders done by customers of Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta through this website are settled by these conditions of sale.



The customer can use the e-commerce service made available of Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta, but he/she has to register on the web site previously.

The customer could record on the page and for this he/she has to register previously on the web site.

The customer could inregister from web page and for this end he/she has to enter personal data, a valid e mail address and a password and keep them safely.

Data entered by customers will be handled by Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta in full compliance with the law as provided in the informative privacy.



You can find catalogues of all available products on page For every product of the catalogue are given:

Product data sheet and its description.
An image in support of technical file, that in any case has not a descriptive function, but it works only as an example and, as such, it could differ from the finished product for color, shape and sizes;
The unit price

The orders made through the web site are considered completed only after the sending of an order confirmation (that the costumer is invited to print and keep safely) from Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta to the e-mail address that the costumer has given during registration.

With the execution of the order, the Costumer declares to have seen all the indications given during the purchase procedure and to fully agree with the present conditions of sale.

The order confirmation e-mail will contain the number of the order, the type and the quantity of the requested products, the billing data and those of the place where the product will be delivered. In this respect, the costumer is invited to always check if data are corrected and if there is any mistake, to tell it immediately to Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta. The costumer could verify in every moment the statement of his/her order in the reserved web area and where he/she could access after registration. State of order’s conditions are: waiting for payment with bank transfer, check or PayPal, accepted payment, payment error, preparation under way,  in line to refuel, cancelled, refunded, delivery under way, delivered.

If the costumer will not receive the order confirmation e-mail within two working days, we invite he/she to contact directly Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta to the telephone number 0433 468152.

Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta reserves in any case the right, at its incontestable discretion, to refuse the orders placed. In case of non-acceptance of an order made by a costumer, he/she will not be able to claim for contractual or extra-contractual damages, except for refund of already payed sums.

Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta reserves the right to modify in any moment products in the catalogue and their price in the list. Obviously these changes will not have any effect on already forwarded orders.

Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta constantly maintains its online catalogue updated, fill in new products and indicating those which are temporary not available. Nevertheless, if for extraordinary circumstances, the availability of a product has failed immediately after the send of the order, Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta will inform in time, through e-mail address indicated by the costumer during registration about any unplanned unavailability.



Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta will accept the following methods of payment.


This method of payment it is managed directly by PayPal according to its rules. So Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta will not know the costumer’s credit card’s data.

Anticipated bank transfer.

If the costumer decides to pay by anticipated bank transfer, he/she will have to deposit the money in the bank FRIUL ADRIA - FILIALE DI VILLA SANTINA, made out to Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta and with

IBAN         IT 08 G 05336 64390 000035360308


Setting out how causal the distinguishing code received when the order were confirmed.


Only after the real credit on the indicated bank account, Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta will provide to send the order confirmation and as described in paragraph number 5 (shipments).

If after three working days from the order’s sending, the deposit will not be credited on the bank account previously indicated,  the order will be considered cancelled by  Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta.



Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta will deliver a separated invoice for any order confirmation received by the costumer, even if it includes more articles.

Invoice will include the price of the single ordered products, the VAT applied, delivery charges, eventually additional charges joined to specific methods of payment chosen by the costumer.

The invoice will have the costumer’s name, using biographical data that the costumer has declared at the moment of registration to website.

The invoice will be annex to the products and delivered by the courier with the products.



Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta will carry out the shipping of product bought through deliver to an express courier indicated on website and chosen by the costumer:

Within 7 working days from the effective receipt of invoiced amount, in the case the payment has been done by credit card or anticipated bank transfer.

The ordered products will be delivered to the costumer’s address mentioned at the registration moment, unless in the order they did not give a different delivery address.

Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta does not answer regarding the timing of delivery of the couriers.

The shipment will be done in working days (from Monday to Friday) excluding holidays.

Goods will be delivered inside a packaging prepared directly by Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta.

When the costumer  receive the order, he/she has to verify that the number of delivered packages correspond to that written on transport document, and that packages are not damaged.

In case of deliver of less packages than those indicated in the transport document, or if they are wet or damaged, the costumer has to sign on the document telling it to Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta on the page “Contacts” that you can find on the following address

If there are differences between the order and the delivery, the costumer does not have to accept the merchandise, he/she will have to raise this arraignment directly to the carrier and report the matter through the page “Contacts” that you can find at the following address

If anyway the courier will refuse to make you sign with reservation, the costumer has TO REJECT THE GOODS.

This proceed is the only solution that allows Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta the immediate handling of complain practices with the courier that allow to hand back quickly the goods received in a non-appropriate way.

Please note that if the costumer, without following the above mentioned procedures, subscribes for acceptance the delivery note, he/she will not be allowed to dispute about the external characteristics of the good he has received as regards the order done.



As regards any defect of the products purchased by the website, will take place measures provided by the Civil Code in Articles 1490-1495, prejudice to the applicability to costumers physical persons the more favorable regulation introduced by the Legislative Decree206/2005 in Articles 128-135.

The costumer who wants to change defective products, has to send them, complete in every part, together with invoice, order’s information and with the description of the defect you have noticed to Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta to Verzegnis (UD), via S. Stefano 11 – CAP 33020.

Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta reserves the right to check any actual irregularity and to change/print again only after this control.
The costs incurred in sending shall be borne by the Costumer.

In case there is no anomaly, Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta reserves the right to not change the good.

The costs of shipment – return – shall be borne by Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta only if the products are really damaged.

For any additional comment or any complaints, Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta can be contacted through the page “Contacts” that you can find at the following address



In no case Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta must be held accountable about any late or non-delivery caused by  negligence or, in general, for express courier’s fault, or because of circumstances by accident or cases for force majeure.



The costumer, physical person that acts for purposes other than business or than eventual profession carried out (Consumer), who buys through e-commerce service of website, could exercise the right of withdrawal in accordance with Articles 52-59 by the Legislative Decree 206/2005 and subsequent amendments.

In particular, the consumer has the right of withdraw from the contract without any penalty and without giving any reason within 14 days from the receiving of purchased products.

The withdraw must be done by the costumer by sending, within the abovementioned term, otherwise the right shall be lost, to Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta – via S. Stefano. 11 – 33020 Verzegnis (UD) by written letter dispatched by registered post with advice of delivery using the standard withdrawal form presented in Annex A) or any other explicit statement of the decision to withdraw to the contract. The proof of sending will be given by the stamp given at the post office. The communication could be sent within the same term by telegram, telex, e-mail and fax too, but it must be confirmed within 48 hours after by sending a registered letter with advice of delivery.

In the case the costumer make use of the right of withdrawal after the courier’s reimbursement, he/she has to provide to send back the purchased products at his/her own risk and expenses, not damaged, with original package, by express courier to Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta – via S. Stefano. 11 – 33020 Verzegnis (UD) within 14 days from the date he/she has communicated that he/she wants to use the right of withdrawal. In any case damaged or used products will not be accepted by Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta or returned on delivery.

If the costumer uses the right of withdrawal, Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta will provide within 14 days from the date of withdraw communication to refund all the payments done by the consumer except for the costs of delivery of the good, and eventual other additional costs dependent on the costumer’s choice to use a different shipment from the less expensive one offered by Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta. The refund will be done with the same method of payment used by the costumer for the initial’s transaction unless otherwise agreed.



Contracts for the purchase done through the website are concluded in Italy, regulated by the Italian law and subject to Italian jurisdiction.

Any dispute, related to the validity or the execution of contracts perfected by this website and the interpretation of the present conditions of sale, that may arise between Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta and a costumer physical person with TVA will be exclusively devolved to Udine’s Court.

 Any dispute based on the validity or the execution of the contracts perfected through this website and the interpretation of this conditions of sale, that may arise between Ecomela La Carnica of Ceschia Roberta and a costumer physical person will be devolved to the competent Court, identified in accordance to Article 63 of Legislative Decree 206/2005 and its subsequent amendments.
