Ita Eng Deu

Parlano di Noi

08/10/07 Messaggero Veneto

List of rewarded producers…

Gazzetta di Parma

Now Friuli is inspired by Normandy…


Ecomela La Carnica is an example of mountain enterprise A young farm with ancient concepts and that choosed Verzegnis as head office simply...

12/06/2003 Messaggero Veneto

La Carnica: Munich charmed by our apples Verzegnis: Go to Oktoberfest with our own beer represents the absurd, and if you can sell it in...

Giugno 2003 Il coltivatore friulano

Champions in Austria with apple juice. Three gold medals, two silver medals and two bronze medals. This is what Friuli Venezia Giulia obtained...

Marzo 2003 Friuli via dei sapori

Apple: the grapes of Carnia I have been shocked – because I didn’t expect this- to enter in a “cellar” in Verzegnis, after walking...