Ita Eng Deu

Parlano di Noi

Il coltivatore friulano

Giugno 2003

Champions in Austria with apple juice.

Three gold medals, two silver medals and two bronze medals. This is what Friuli Venezia Giulia obtained in the “International competition of apple juice and cider” that took place in St. Pail in Laventhal (Carinthia(. At the competition were more than 600 producers of 160 centers of processing that came from Austria, Switzerland, Germany and Slovenia, Italy has been represented in a great way by friulan producers that compete with 10 products that belong to the categories of apple juice and cider, from three different centers of processing of the region (Ecomela La Carnica of Verzegnis, Sidrò of Pulfero and Comunità Montana of Pontebba). Between these products, as told before, 7 has gained a medal and a step of the podium, confirming the quality of the raw material, from used techniques and the producer’s professionality and procedures of FVG. The tradition of the production of apple juice is clear in the whole area of North Italy and thanks to the activity of some brave producers, it resists in our region since centuries, in fact at the end of 1700- beginning of 1800- historical vestiges spoke about the presence of apple juice and cider in Friuli Venezia Giulia. The prestigious accolades obtained in Austria and evaluated by a qualify jury, so, are an added value for fruit-pickers and farms of processing of our area that have been appreciated for their effort to create quality products that can compete with Countries that produce apple juice and apples since centuries.
