Ita Eng Deu

Parlano di Noi

Messaggero Veneto


La Carnica: Munich charmed by our apples

Verzegnis:  Go to Oktoberfest with our own beer represents the absurd, and if you can sell it in Germany, you obtained a very good result. In Verzegnis the brothers Elisio and Franco Da Pozzo with their farm Ecomela reach a first goal speaking about apple cider and juice. Last May, in fact, it participated with some of its products to the international contest of apple juice and cider in Sant Paul in Laventhal, in Carinthia, with more than 600 producers that come from Austria, Slovenia, Germany and Switzerland. Italy has been represented by 10 products that come from three centers of our region: one in Codroipo, one in Palmanova and one in Verzegnis, Ecomela La Carnica. Brothers Da Pozzo went on stage 7 times to receive three gold medals, two silver medals and two bronze medals. “A success that doesn’t come only from the technique used during processing – specify Elisio Da Pozzo -, that is always controlling by professor Roberto Zironi, from food Science faculty of University of Udine, but also because our land can produce very good fruits”. The farm Ecomela La Carnica was born in 1989, with the first transformation’s experiments that brought Da Pozzo’s brothers to build a building for processing, in year 2000, near the Verzegnis’ football ground. It grows up 3 hectares of apples, producing more than 500 thousand bottles of apple cider, juice and  vinegar every year, employing more than six workers during the pick-up period, from august to November. “We work to third parties too – clarify Elisio - , producing apple juice for a lot of privates and farms of the area, with 400 carnical people who bring their product to us”. Now Ecomela wants, together with Pro Loco of Pantianicco of Mereto di Tomba, to bring in Italy, in the next November, the first national competition for juices and cider made with Italian apples.
